- Academic Level Certificate
- Age 18 - 22 Years
- Gender Male
- Industry Graphics Designing
- IT Certification(s) select-microsoft-365-.pdf
- IT Certification(s) select.-mastery-certificate-original.pdf
- IT Certification(s) select.cloud-computing-fundamentals.pdf
- IT Certification(s) select.computer-basics.pdf
- IT Certification(s) select.setting-up-and-using-computers-.pdf
- IT Certification(s) select.certificate-for-databases.pdf
- IT Certification(s) select.network-security-and-maintenance.pdf
- IT Certification(s) select.certificate-for-fundamental-of-it-ethics-.pdf
Viewed 9
About me
2022 - Present Caleb university
Bachelor's degree in architecturee
I am learning and am a student Architect at Caleb university going for a bachelor's degree, hoping to pursue a masters degree afterwards
2022 - Present Caleb university
Bachelor's degree in architecturee
I am learning and am a student Architect at Caleb university going for a bachelor's degree, hoping to pursue a masters degree afterwards