About Egbaunu Promise Emmanuel
- Academic Level Degree Bachelor
- Age 18 - 22 Years
- Gender Male
- Industry Development
- IT Certification(s) Certificate_for_Egbaunu_Promise_Emmanuel-1-setting-up-computers.pdf
- IT Certification(s) Certificate_for_Egbaunu_Promise_Emmanuel-2-networking.pdf
- IT Certification(s) Certificate_for_Egbaunu_Promise_Emmanuel-computer-basic.pdf
- IT Certification(s) Certificate_for_Egbaunu_Promise_Emmanuel-1.pdf
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About me
My is promise, I’m a cyber security student at Caleb University. I’m a highly motivated and detail-oriented cybersecurity student seeking an entry-level position in a dynamic and innovative organization. proficient in various operation systems, networking protocols, and security frameworks. profound interest in threat analysis, penetration testing, and incident response, and so on…….
2023 - Present Caleb University
Bachelor degree
Acquiring a bachelor degree in computer science at Caleb University